Aspirational for those with SEND
SEN Support
"We are passionate about providing the support required by all our young people so that they can realise their potential. We understand that each of our pupils has a unique profile and as such requires a unique approach."
Hertfordshire pupils are referred to Roman Fields by the Local Authority.
Roman Fields considers each individual's Education, Health and Care Plan prior to a pupil starting. This enables the school to plan an appropriate transition and education/support plan, in partnership with parents.
We plan every pupil's learning and development individually and offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which is adapted to suit individual learning needs according to our pupils' talents and interests. Self-esteem is built up through the celebration of the pupils' successes
At Roman Fields, our pupils receive excellent support from the SENDCo, as well as from a team of experienced and well trained staff. Regular training, delivered in-house and through external professionals, ensures that colleagues keep up-to-date with developments in relation to supporting pupils with a variety of complex needs. Alongside this, we have a strong emphasis on a multi-agency approach, working together with outside agencies such as Speech and language, Occupational Therapy, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, attendance team, Social Care and Voluntary Organisations.
Hertfordshire County Council provide additional information on their local offer website.