Each pupil has an individual timetable which focuses on what they will need to fulfil for the next stage in their education and life. - Ofsted
Roman Fields is an alternative provision for pupils with 40 places commissioned by Hertfordshire County Council. Places are allocated through the Hertfordshire County Council's SEND process for requesting a place in a special school. Any request for a place is through a pupil's current EHCP coordinator.
All pupils MUST have an Education, Health and Care Plan to be considered for a place.
Pupils' ability range is often wide, as is their functioning range, covering a cognitive span from low ability to gifted and talented. All pupils join us because they haven't thrived in previous settings, due to associated anxiety levels and/or mental health concerns. Typically, our pupils would join Roman Fields when a plethora of support from a range of specialists has failed to have the desired impact on their learning and or social and emotional well-being.
Admissions to Roman Fields are detailed in the school's admission policy.
Exit guidance
Most pupils are so successful in our specialist settling that transition to a mainstream school or post 16 college is the outcome; a minority are able to re-join their original school to access A levels, such is the progress made whilst with us. Onward transition is always at the forefront of our minds, because successful placements must be reflective of a pupil's needs, hopes and aspirations. In some cases, dual placements with mainstream schools provide the means to support pupils and assess whether they are able to function successfully in a new environment.
Our aim is for pupils to leave the provision with the qualifications, skills and attributes to succeed in their adult lives along with an agreed onward placement that matches their interests and aspirations.
- Build relationships with peers and adults.
- Make positive choices.
- Operate in various social contexts.
- Cope with different situations and make independent transition successfully (e.g. from smaller to larger groups).
- Overcome resistance to and fear of learning.
- Maintain relationships as adults.