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Roman Fields Academy and

Forest House Education Centre

Curriculum Offer 2022 - 2023

Roman Fields Curriculum Offer


KS3 OfferKS3 OptionsSocial, Emotional and Personal Life Skills:
  • English
  • Maths
  • ICT
  1. Art & Design
  2. Technology
  3. Life Skills
  4. Cookery
  5. Humanities
  6. PSHEE
  7. Music
  8. Sport/Gym
  9. Science

Self-Knowledge: Some autistic pupils require a personalised approach and support to understand their diagnosis. Self-knowledge can aid and support self-awareness and personal development. This curriculum centres of incidental learning in the classroom and through the use of specific programmes and interventions. It is recognised by the National Autistic Society (NAS) as best practice.


Well-being Support/Counselling: A great many pupils experience high levels of mental health issues. Many are medicated through CAMHS / PALMS. However, lots of pupils require more frequent and individual support packages delivered in a setting where they feel comfortable and heard.


Sessions with therapeutic outcomes: Many pupils access sessions which may not lead to qualifications but do have therapeutic benefits and improve self-concept. The school gym which offers personalised fitness support aims to support pupils with weight loss, building fitness levels and improve self-image. This also supports improvements in sleep hygiene and can ameliorate mental health Some pupils on the spectrum have sensory sensitivities around food and a minority may have restricted diets. Pupils are offered regular food / cooking sessions to develop their life skills, to build their knowledge and awareness of different cuisines and cultures and to enable them to transfer skills learned into their home life and routines.


Supported Work Experience Placements: A large percentage of autistic people (over 70% according to NAS figures) do not work. The school completes supported work experience placements during the school day to provide real work experiences for the pupils and to prepare them for life beyond Roman Fields. These are highly successful and have led to pupils receiving offers of employment.


Independence / Socialisation & D&D: Social communication and interaction are two areas that some autistic people find challenging. If anxiety is also thrown into the mix then social communication and interaction can be impeded and this impacts on global development skills. The school uses socialisation in group settings to help support / teach softer communication skills which can reduce anxiety levels and aid interactions.


Independence is completed in very small groups or on a 1:1 basis with pupils who require a higher level of support to access life outside of school and the family home. It can involve visits into the local community and it encourages the development of communication and interaction skills.

KS4 CoreKS4 Options

Functional Skills, Entry Level and GCSE:


  • English
  • Maths
  • ICT
  1. GCSE Art & Design
  2. GCSE Business
  3. GCSE English Language
  4. GCSE English Literature
  5. GCSE Film Studies
  6. GCSE Geography
  7. GCSE Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)
  8. GCSE History
  9. GCSE Computer Science
  10. GCSE Maths
  11. GCSE Music and Arts Award
  12. GCSE Science (Combines and Single)
  13. BTEC Sport (Level 1 and 2)
  14. Technology (Crest Awards)
  15. PHSEE (City & Guilds)


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Roman Fields Academy,

11 Box Lane, Hemel

Hempstead, HP3 0DF




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