Early Career Teachers (ECT)
From September 2021, statutory induction for new teachers changed as part of the ECF reforms. Subject to parliamentary procedure, all early career teachers in England undergoing statutory induction will be entitled to 2 years of high-quality professional development support based on the ECF.
There is a range of support available to ensure you can meet this requirement, including a new funded programme of training and support.
Statutory induction guidance sets out the responsibilities of school leaders, induction tutors, and mentors, to support early career teachers undertaking statutory induction.
Changes include:
the extension of the induction period to 2 school years
early career teachers undergoing induction are now entitled to a 2-year training and support programme based on the ECF
See the statutory induction guidance for early career teachers
The end of an early career teacher’s induction period will continue to be marked by a decision as to whether the teacher’s performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory. Following a programme based on the ECF should make it easier for teachers to demonstrate that they have met those standards at the end of induction.
Teachers who have started, but not completed, induction by 1 September 2021, should continue to refer to the statutory induction guidance for newly qualified teachers 2018.