16-19 Bursary
What is the 16-19 Bursary Fund?
Funding should not be a barrier to entering compulsory education post 16. It is currently a government priority to close the gap in attainment between those from different backgrounds and to ensure that every pupil can participate and benefit from the 16-19 curriculums. The government has therefore made a fund available to help with some of the costs that staying in education incurs.
There are two types of bursaries available; the first is a set amount of £1200 available for pupils who meet the strict criteria of being in a vulnerable group this is funded by the government. The other is a discretionary bursary that will be based on the needs of the pupils; this is also known as the 16-19 Bursary. Roman Fields will determine the eligibility criteria for the discretionary bursary; including the frequency and conditions under which the payments are made.
The fund is a fixed and finite sum for the entire cohort. The money will therefore be distributed equally amongst all successful applicants.
Who is eligible to apply for 16-19 Bursary Funding?
To be eligible to receive the 16-19 Bursary in the academic year, pupils must be aged 16 or over and under 19 on the 31st August that the academic year commences. They must also satisfy the residency criteria set out in the Educational Funding Agency guidance; which states ‘a person on 1 September who is settled in the UK, and has been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for three years preceding the 1st September’.
Eligibility for all bursaries is based on one or more of the following criteria:
Aged at least 16 and under 19 on 31/08 of the relevant year who are in care, are leaving care, are in direct receipt of Income Support or are disabled and in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance.
Financial barriers to participation in post 16 education.