Comments from other agencies and professionals
Highlights from our most recent Ofsted report
Pupils quickly settle, having had a very disrupted education prior to joining this school. They secure the qualifications needed for the next stage in their education, training or employment.
Pupils are proud of their significant success that did not seem possible to them on arrival. Pupils enjoy coming to this school.
Transition into school is carefully managed so that strong relationships develop between pupils and staff.
Pupils’ needs are analysed meticulously to provide a bespoke curriculum. All staff know pupils’ needs very well. Pupils appreciate and respect their caring approach.
Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. Pupils’ interests are celebrated and developed, for example in music, cooking and art.
The school and trust are relentless in their efforts to ensure all pupils succeed academically and socially. As a result, pupils do exceptionally well from their starting points.
All pupils leave with GCSEs or equivalent in English and mathematics. Most pupils gain the five or more GCSEs needed for their future education or career choices. All pupils are supported to secure a place in education, employment or training.
Teachers are subject experts. The work pupils receive is ambitious. No limit is placed on what pupils can achieve. Staff constantly, yet subtly, adapt each pupil’s learning activities to reduce anxiety and manage their sensory needs.
Pupils are accepting of each other. They show each other respect and personal space. Friendship issues are rare but dealt with well.
Staff sensitively teach pupils about healthy and safe relationships. Pupils are also prepared for adulthood through learning skills such as cooking and knowing how to deal with social situations outside of school.,
We also invite you to read our June 2024 Ofsted Report in full.
Feedback from other agencies
"My interviews with the teachers have demonstrated their compassion, understanding and high aspirations for the young people in your provision. I was really touched by some of the pupils' and parents' responses to the support they receive at Roman Fields." - Academic Researcher
"I feel that Roman Fields have been able to engage with youngsters who could have been at high risk of self-harm or even suicide, and that their confidence in them has helped the young people to succeed and recover from their mental health difficulties." - Mental Health Professional
"Every student is known in depth by teaching and non-teaching staff. Developing strong relationships between staff and students is key. There is a clear moral purpose at the school and high levels of trust between staff and students" - The Virtual School
"Your enthusiasm and passion shone through and I left feeling hugely empowered about the difference that the right provision can make to young people with autism and other complex needs, as well as those who come from a difficult or disjointed educational background and have been out of education for a significant period of time" - Visiting Educational Psychologist