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Roman Fields Academy home page

Roman Fields Academy and

Forest House Education Centre



‘Aspirational for those with SEND' 

'Enabling each pupil to believe in and value them self, to have inspirations to be the best they can be. To unlock a positive future for each pupil  through working collaboratively with them, their families and outside agencies and the wider community'


Roman Fields Academy is part of the James Marks Academy Trust whose aim is to create a community of outstanding schools with the highest aspiration and dedication to achieving the best outcomes for all learners.  Governance plays a key role in shaping the strategic direction of the Trust and its schools by challenging the school leaders to ensure every pupil has the opportunity to achieve their personal best.


The James Marks Academy Trust delegates its powers and responsibilities through the Scheme of Delegation. 


"The Management Committee is highly effective."......"Leaders demonstrate strong knowledge and expertise in supporting pupils with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs."....."Members of the Management Committee take their roles and responsibilities seriously. Members use their wide knowledge and experience to make sure that leaders have a precise focus on improving pupils’ outcomes." - Ofsted

As directors of a charitable trust, our board ensure that they comply with charity and company law.


The board of the JMAT has three core functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding Executive Leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff; and

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


 The board is supported by the Executive Team consisting of the Executive Head and Chief Financial Officer.


As a multi-academy trust, the board is responsible for all of the academies in the Trust. We exercise this responsibility by delegating functions to Sub-Committees, the Executive Team and Academy Head Teachers through our scheme of delegation. 


Chair of the Board

Eugene Billeter

Executive Head (Accounting Officer)

Trevor Orchard

Chief Finance Officer (Company Secretary/Clerk)

Mandy Crow

Chair of Finance (Audit) Business Committee

Mark Braley

Chair of Standards and GDPR Committee

Alan Clark




Role: To oversee the strategic direction of the Trust, ensure full compliance and hold its executives to account. 

Eugene Billeter

Strategic Management Trustee & Chair

Trustee (Member Appointed) 

Term of office 01/04/2021 - 01/04/2025

2021-2022 Attendance at Full Board Meetings: 4 out of 5

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Finance (Audit) Business Committee Meetings: 3 out of 4

Register of interests: Family member used to work in Finance for Herts For Learning. 


Eugene has extensive management skills gained in commercial business and a long term interest in special needs and disabilities.  He was the treasurer for Herts Inclusive Theatre for 8 years until 2017.


Eugene's business background is a result of 30 years working in commercial IT services, retiring in August 2019 as a programme manager overseeing up to 20 million pounds of project works per annum, within a variety of industries and clients, utilising strategic partners and third party agents to deliver solutions and services within time, quality and cost constraints. He was responsible for developing the five-year business plan for Network Rail’s core IT systems, developing the business case for projects to be commissioned with a 100% approval rate from the Group investment panel.


Nik Pringle

Safeguarding Trustee, Health & Safety Trustee and Vice Chair

Trustee (Member Appointed) 

Term of office 01/04/2021 - 01/04/2025

2021-2022 Attendance at Full Board Meetings: 4 out of 5

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Finance (Audit) Business Committee Meetings: 4 out of 4

Register of interests: None


Nik is a Retired Police Officer who now works as a Special Inspector and Staff Manager for Herts Constabulary.


His neighbourhood responsibilities include delivering Policing/Prevention messages to Primary/Secondary Schools and Local Colleges with Hertfordshire Constabulary. 1980-2010.


Nik has a particular interest in Safer Recruitment, Safeguarding and Health and Safety.


Trevor Orchard

Executive Head (Accounting Officer) and Trustee

Trustee (Member Appointed) 

2021-2022 Attendance at Full Board Meetings: 5 out of 5

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Finance (Audit) Business Committee Meetings: 4 out of 4

Register of interests: None


Trevor is the Executive Head for James Marks Academy Trust, including the Roman Fields Academy, Forest House and from Sept 2023 the James Marks Academy. He has over 26 years in Education in a variety of roles, including over 10 years at Roman Fields, as Headteacher. He has led Roman Fields to being rated Outstanding by Ofsted, most recently in June 2024 and winning the NAS 2018 Excellence award. The role of Head teacher of RFA has now passed to Emma Davis. He is still actively involved in the school, splitting his time between the three provisions in the Trust. 


Prior to working in education, he was a Project Manager in the construction industry. He has experience in leadership, finance, SEND, strategic planning and delivery.


Trevor took on a significant amount of responsibility fairly early on in his teaching career as a Head of Year from his second year of teaching, which has provided the opportunity to learn from and work closely with 5 Head Teachers over his early career. In his last post, Trevor was a mainstream Deputy for 8 years and built strong teams of entirely committed individuals, leading the SEND and behaviour teams and all staff in the Autistic Resource Provision alongside the Heads of Year.


He believes that great schools are built on relationships, creativity, positivity, and trust. He learned that the leader of an organisation can really impact on the culture, results and inclusivity of an organisation; and that accountability directly affects outcomes


Mark Braley

Chair of Finance and Business Committee

Trustee (Member Appointed) 

Term of office 01/04/2021 - 01/04/2025

2021-2022 Attendance at Full Board Meetings: 5 out of 5

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Finance (Audit) Business Committee Meetings: 4 out of 4

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Standards and GDPR Committee Meetings: 3 out of 3

Register of interests: None


Mark is the Head of Product Management, European Equity Research for Jefferies International.


He is a chartered Accountant with 20 years of experience in Financial Services and is regularly involved in Change Projects (IT, Compliance and Business facing) and personnel matters.


Mark's role as Head of Product Management involves challenging and mentoring highly experienced individuals.


Alan Clarke

Chair of Standards Committee 

Trustee (Member Appointed) 

Term of office 01/04/2021 - 01/04/2025

2021-2022 Attendance at Full Board Meetings: 3 out of 5

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Finance (Audit) Business Committee Meetings: 2 out of 4

2021 - 2022 Attendance at Standards and GDPR Committee Meetings: 3 out of 3

Register of interests: None


Alan joined Roman Fields Management Committee as a Local community governor and is a neighbour of the school. Jubilee House Care Trust is a charity that provides residential and short break services for both children and adults with learning difficulties.


Alan has Governance and management experience in running organisations that care for vulnerable people, using KPI’s and uncomplicated management information to help understand how the organisation was performing. Also, continually monitoring and looking to improve outcomes and processes which helped to control finances and budgets; setting achievable targets and ensuring the right people where in the right roles.


Simon Newland





Eliane Yebkal


Enter description


Gemma Cunningham


Trustee (Member Appointed) 

Term of office 03/10/2023 - 04/03/2024

2022-2023 Attendance at Full Board Meetings: 1 out of 1

2022 - 2023 Attendance at Standards and GDPR Committee Meetings: 1 out of 1

Register of interests: School Business Manager at Woodfield School


Gemma previously worked at Roman Fields as a Finance Assistant, before leaving and becoming a School Business Manager. Gemma has come back to offer support as a Trustee and learn about academy finance to develop her knowledge further. 


The Finance (Audit) and Business Committee

The Finance (Audit) and Business Committee is a sub-committee of the main Board of Trustees and is responsible for exercising the powers and duties of the MAT Board in respect of matters relating to the finances, staffing, the maintenance of estates and general resources of the Trust, except for those items specifically reserved for the MAT Board and those delegated to the Executive Head and other staff. 


The purpose of the Finance (Audit) and Business Committee is to assist the decision making of the Executive Head. With appropriate challenge and support, this will enable more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the MAT Board's responsibility. This will ensure sound management of the Trust’s finances, staffing, the maintenance of estates and resources, including proper planning, monitoring and probity. The committee will then make appropriate comments and recommendations on such matters to the MAT Board on a regular basis. 


The Finance (Audit) and Business Committee shall report on decisions taken under delegated powers to the next meeting of the MAT Board (predominantly through the receipt of the Minutes of the Committee meetings, which shall be a standing agenda item for meetings of the MAT Board). If a major concern is raised by the Committee, its Chair will consult with the Chair of the MAT Board on whether a special meeting of the MAT Board should be convened. 


The Finance (Audit) and Business Committee is authorised by the MAT Board to obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice. The Committee is authorised by the MAT Board to request the attendance of individuals and authorities from outside the MAT with relevant experience and expertise if it considers this necessary or expedient to carry out of its functions. 


During the year, the Executive Head, Chair of Trustees and Finance Link, all of whom are members of the Finance (Audit) and Business Committee, have received financial reports from the CFO (via email each month) and will challenge the information provided to ensure the end of year accounts are accurate and can be consolidated.


The Standards and GDPR Committee

The Standards and GDPR Committee is a sub-committee of the main Board of Trustees and it is responsible for exercising powers and duties in relation to educational policies and standards and overseeing the implementation and success of GDPR across the Trust.


The purpose of the Committee is to scrutinise educational policies and standards at Trust level and review risks to progress and providing appropriate challenge and support to their schools in terms of Key Performance Indicators.

The Standards and GDPR Committee will report directly to the MAT Board through information provided by the Minutes and by an oral or written report from the Chair of the Committee.

The specific objectives of the Committee are:

  • To set and monitor standards and to hold the Executive Leader to account for these;
  • To provide scrutiny of policies that apply across all the Schools in the Trust and to review these in line with an agreed schedule;
  • To consider the risks which may affect achievement and actions taken to minimise the risk;
  • To monitor the performance of governance in each School through Governor hub initially and through an annual review process thereafter;
  • To recommend further policy development in relation to governance.
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Roman Fields Academy,

11 Box Lane, Hemel

Hempstead, HP3 0DF




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