Careers and transition
"Outcomes for young people at Roman Fields are exceptional. All young people leaving Roman Fields have a clear destination which has been carefully considered and takes account of the needs of each of the young people." - Autism Accreditation March 2023
This section of the website is intended for pupils, parents/carers, teachers and employers, who are interested in learning more about our careers education programme and the personal development it offers.
Vision statement
Our careers education programme aims to develop and prepare our pupils to make important choices around their intended futures, as they aspire to fulfilling and economically active lives as adults. Our intention is pupils and parents should be supported to investigate all potential available options, at various stages in school life.
Key careers staff
- Our designated Careers Leader is Debra Waterfield and she can be contacted on 01442 256915.
- The Senior Leadership team member responsible for Careers is Emma Davis, Deputy Headteacher.
- The Trustee with responsibility for careers is Alan Clarke.
Parents and carers play a very significant role in helping pupils to make informed choices about both their further study options, and potential future careers. We encourage discussion and input around individual aspirations. We recommend that all parents attend both parents evenings and EHCP meetings, where each child’s future will be discussed. We are immensely proud of our bespoke enabling approach and work hard to ensure we support each pupil to secure their chosen pathway.
Careers and transition is linked to the whole-school development plan and has the
explicit backing of Trustees, the Executive Head, Headteacher and the senior management team. Feedback is sought from all stakeholders to increase its impact especially at parents’ evenings and EHCP meetings.
We have a dedicated careers room where there are visual displays and prospectuses.
We ensure that careers is part of the school’s ongoing staff development programme so that staff can be confident they know what is expected of them when talking to learners about their futures.
The school has met – and continues to meet - the requirements of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks and complies with the Department for Education's Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers.
In addition, we successfully met all the requirements for the Quality In Careers Standard in December 2018 and was renewed in June 2022. This standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance in schools, colleges and work-based learning. The trustees and senior leaders of the James Marks Academy Trust are committed to retaining this standard, as it ‘quality assures’ all aspects of our careers programme; including what our own staff deliver and the external professionals and organisations we work with.
Our careers provision in context
The official statistics extracted and presented in graphs below relate to the employment of working-age (aged 16 to 64) disabled people in the UK. They provide context for the government’s long-term ambition to achieve an 80%
employment rate.
The disability employment rate was 53.0% in the second quarter of 2024, compared to 81.6% for non-disabled people, making the disability employment gap 28.6 percentage points in the same time period.
For the full report, updated November 2024, please go to
The first graph below shows the proportion of people in employment by main or secondary health condition, (people aged 16 to 64 years, UK, 2023/24). Autism as a health condition reflects a lower employment rate
This graph below shows how the likelihood of a health condition impacts day-to-day activities and being in employment (people aged 16 to 64, UK, 2023/24). It therefore further demonstrates that autism has an impact on employment status.
This third graph shows that one in three disabled workers are working part-time (aged 16 to 64 years, UK, 2023/24).
The fourth and final graph below shows the average wellbeing scores of disabled people by employment status, (people aged 16 to 64, UK, 2023/24). People in employment are less likely to be anxious and more likely to report happiness, satisfaction and feel like the things they do in their life are worthwhile.
These extracts prove why we need to be bespoke in what we offer and committed to doing all we can to support learners to help them face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Who we work with
The following are some of the external organisations which support our careers education programme:
Provides a qualified personal adviser to deliver
| |
Herts Regional College,Oaklands and North Herts Colleges plus others not based in Hertfordshire, for example, Bucks College Group and Capel Manor | The colleges support our transition visits as part of our Year 11 programme and this may include taster sessions once applications have been made and colleges have
Colleges also liaise with parents and learners whilst they |
Provides individual support around transition and workshops with parents and learners (NB if learners/families are working with CAMHS this service may not be appropriate). | |
They support us by providing an enterprise co-ordinator, and adviser Meetings take place termly to discuss progress and offer suggestions for ongoing development, if appropriate | |
| Deliver a range of work-related learning activities for leavers including CVs and mock interviews |
Tesco Plc and other local Employers | Tesco plc provides us with an Enterprise Adviser who is
We also visit other large local employers. |
We are using the Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal and would encourage all pupils, parents, carers and teachers to use this portal as a one-stop shop for a variety of up to date information about the Hertfordshire jobs market. This should provide both inspiration and information around the wide variety of careers on offer in the locality including current live job and apprenticeship vacancies.
Our Careers activity plan
We deliver a flexible careers education plan, which is individually tailored to meet the needs of our pupils, and this is reviewed on an annual basis. We use Compass Plus, the CDI's Career Development Framework and the Hertfordshire Skills Framework. We have a dedicated careers room where there are visual displays and prospectuses.
The key activities scheduled currently are:
Year Group | Activity | When |
All year groups | Schemes of work relating to careers in
| Throughout academic year
September to February |
10 and 11+ | Extended college visits and off site social | Throughout academic year |
9, 11 and leavers being educated out of year | Personal guidance interviews | Primarily in the Autumn term |
Employer engagement
As statistics prove, employment prospects for the cohort we serve are still limited. For this reason, we have formed strong working relationships with local employers, some of which were first established many years ago, so our learners can taste the world of work. We would still welcome further support from any employer.
Destinations data and alumni
We keep destinations data, but have chosen not to publish this due to our small pupil numbers, as the consequence of this is the difficulty in anonymising the data.
What we can say without fear of contradiction is that according to a study around sustaining Post-16 destinations from Alternative Provision settings (published in January 2022), by Andrew Malcolm who is a Lecturer in Applied Social studies at the University of Bedfordshire, Roman Fields sits in the best practice category recognised as ‘high performing’ and is often quoted. For those interested in exploring this document further, Roman Fields is listed in it as 'HP3'.
We are proud of our alumni and what they have achieved. We have many case studies in school, detailing those who have gone onto colleges, apprenticeships, universities and more general workplaces. We have a school Instagram account so that current and past pupils and parents can easily keep in touch with us. It is a private group called JMATRF11.
Please use the widget to research careers and labour market information.
Provider Access statement for Roman Fields and Forest House Education Centre (part of the James Marks Academy Trust)
This has been updated to include the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023
This policy statement sets out the trust’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to the schools for the purpose of giving pupils information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the trust’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
The trust’s policy for access to other education and training providers has the following aims:
- To develop the knowledge and awareness of our pupils of all career pathways available to them, including technical qualifications and apprenticeships;
- To support young people to be able to learn more about opportunities for education and training outside of school before making crucial choices about their future options;
- To reduce drop out from courses and avoid the risk of pupils becoming NEET (young people not in education, employment or training).
Pupil Entitlement
All pupils in years 8 to 13 are entitled:
- To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships;
- To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
For pupils of compulsory school age, the trust offers six provider encounters, as required by law, and a number of additional events, integrated into the school careers programme. These encounters are mandatory and there will be a minimum of two encounters for pupils:
- During the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 to 9);
- During the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 to 11).
For pupils in the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 to 13), particularly those that have not yet decided on their next steps, there are two more provider encounters available during this period, which are optional for pupils to attend.
These provider encounters will be scheduled during the main school hours of the trust and the provider will be given a reasonable amount of time to, as a minimum:
- Share information about both the provider and the approved technical education qualification and apprenticeships that the provider offers;
- Explain what career routes those options could lead to;
- Provide insights into what it might be like to learn or train with that provider (including the opportunity to meet staff and pupils from the provider) and answer questions from pupils.
Pupils may also travel to visit another provider as part of a school-organised trip.
Meaningful Provider Encounters
One encounter is defined as one meeting/session between pupils and one provider.
We are committed to providing meaningful encounters to all pupils. Meaningful online engagement is also an option, and we are open to providers that are able to provide live online engagement with our pupils. The trust will make the training room, classrooms or other rooms available for discussions between the provider and pupils, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader.
Previous Providers
We have regularly invited the following providers from the local area to speak to our pupils:
- Ask Apprenticeships
- Colleges including Oaklands, Springboard (part of North Herts College) and West Herts College;
- Jobs Centre Plus for Schools.
Destinations of our pupils
Our year 11 pupils move to a range of providers in the local area after
- Apprenticeship providers
- Colleges (Bucks College Group, Capel, Oaklands, Springboard, West Herts College, apprenticeships, other specialist school provision).
- 6th Forms (Longdean and Parmiter's)
- Our year 13 pupils have typically moved to universities or set up a business.
This statement has been developed and is reviewed annually by the Careers Leader and Line Manager (Scott Martin, Deputy Head Teacher) based on current good practice guidelines by the Department for Education.
Links with other policies
This statement supports and is underpinned by key school policies including those for Careers, Child Protection, Equality and Diversity, and SEND.
Equality and Diversity
Access to other providers is available and promoted to allow all pupils to access information about other providers of further education and apprenticeships. The James Marks Academy Trust is committed to encouraging all pupils to make decisions about their future based on impartial information.
Management of provider access requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact Debra Waterfield, Careers and Transition Lead, by telephone on 01442 256915 or by email,
Any complaints with regards to provider access can be raised following the school complaints procedure or directly with The Careers & Enterprise Company via
Finding out further information:
National Apprenticeship Service | Allows you to search for live apprenticeship vacancies across the country | |
Amazing Apprenticeships | Find out about apprenticeships as well as live vacancies | |
UCAS | All you need to know about applying for university and the courses available for you. | |
Hertfordshire Skills Framework | | Produced by Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership this displays the skills most required by employers across the county |
Hertfordshire Labour Market Information | An infographic video to explain the types of jobs available and skills required in Hertfordshire | |
National Autistic Society | | For information and tips from the charity |
Careers and Transition Stakeholder Feedback
Please complete this survey
Reviewed annually (February 2026)